Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Systems – Level 2 |
Supporting Learning Environment Level 2 To support students to develop understanding of technological systems at level 2, teachers could:
Focused Learning |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Describe the change that has occurred to the input to produce the output in simple technological systems |
Provide simple systems that students are familiar with and explore and identify what happens to make the change from input to output |
Teachers explain the changes in simple terms (e.g. flow chart) using technological language to describe component parts (e.g. for a simple mechanical toy, hand egg beater, pasta maker) |
Introduce non electronic systems |
Students arrange photographs of component parts of a simple system into sequence |
Identify the role each component has in allowing the inputs to be transformed into outputs within simple technological systems |
Students disassemble a simple system (like a torch) to identify each component and what it does |
Teachers assist students to make links to the technological products activities at level 2 and use the appropriate descriptive language for systems |