Components of Technological Practice
Outcome Development and Evaluation – Level 2 |
Supporting Learning Environment Level 2 To support students to undertake outcome development and evaluation at level two teachers could:
Focused Learning |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Describe potential outcomes, through drawing, models and/or verbally
Describe conceptual ideas graphically using 2D and 3D drawings, verbally, through modelling media e.g. plasticine, clay, paper, coroflute, kitchen boxes/tubes or other modelling materials |
Provide isometric paper to assist students to draw in 3D Encourage students to use a range of media/modes to model/describe potential outcomes. |
Evaluate potential outcomes in terms of identified attributes to select the outcome to produce |
Evaluate a range of potential outcomes against a brief |
Use a template with four columns – Column One place a picture of the potential outcome; Column Two labeled attributes; Column Three labeled met/not met; Column Four why it meets/does not meet the attributes |
Evaluate a range of given potential outcomes (someone else’s) against given attributes to identify which ones provide the greatest opportunity to be developed into an outcome that is fit for purpose. |
Use several outcomes designed for a given brief and slightly change the brief. Ask students which of the outcomes best meets the new brief and why.
Develop a rubric to evaluate models or conceptual ideas for potential outcomes against attributes. |
Chose a context that is well known to students and have them describe attributes of an outcome that would work within the context |
Chose a context such as: carrying school equipment to school, portable seat. Ask students to describe a potential outcome that would meet their determined attributes |
Compare a range different outcomes to determine which best offers the potential to be fit for purpose |
Use a PMI chart to record evaluations and assist in identifying which offers the best potential to be developed into an outcome that is fit for purpose |
Produce an outcome in keeping with the brief |
Use the BP Technology Challenges to develop understandings about required attributes. |
Use the BP Technology Challenges as the context for producing a quick outcome that needs to meet a desired set of attributes. Reinforce however to students that these are isolated activities and are not technology in its entirety and do not necessarily following a good technological practice model. (Note: this activity can also provide a link with aspects associated with technological modelling – particularly the construction skills aligned to developing physical models and mockups for testing design ideas and conceptual designs). |
Evaluate the final outcome in terms of how successfully it addresses the brief.
Dragons Den type round robin discussion. Use a class brief and ask students to talk about how their outcome meets the attributes defined in the brief |
Students present their final outcome and describe how it addresses the brief. The rest of the class (or a selected group of evaluators from the class) provide feedback as to whether they feel the presented outcome meets the attributes identified as necessary in a final outcome. |
Evaluate a range of final outcomes (students or someone else’s) against known attributes to identify those outcomes that are fit for purpose. |
Use several outcomes designed for a given brief. Use a PMI chart to record evaluations and determine those that are fit for purpose. |
Describing the attributes of a potential final outcome that addresses a known need |
Chose a context that is well known to students and have them describe attributes for an outcome that addresses a known need e.g. carrying school equipment to school, portable seat for watching sports. |