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Case Study BP622: Batters in a Bottle

Using the unit in another school...

Food Technology teacher Jillian Tran Van, Katikati College, has used Batters in a Bottle with her students since 2007. Jillian teachers Years 8-13, and says she was conscious that although she was teaching to the curriculum, she wasn't covering everything so there were certain aspects missing in her students' technological practice. Jillian notes that Diana does this well and that her Batters unit covers the whole technological process very successfully. "There are a lot of Home Economics trained teachers who have hesitated to do senior Food Technology, but a unit like this is invaluable in bridging that gap in knowledge".

Using the unit enabled Gillian to extend her students' practice. "Over the years I have done some really good work but with gaps in the technological process – a disadvantage to students if I didn't understand this knowledge myself and therefore didn't pass it on to them".

Jillian didn't teach the entire unit, but adapted the ideas and templates to fit her own themes or issues. Her Year 10 class worked on a Cakes unit, in which they designed and developed a product, although due to time constraints she didn't include the preservation aspect. Another Year 10 class worked on a modified unit in which they developed muffins, while a Year 11 class developed a pasta sauce in the unit.

Jillian notes that her Year 13 class is comprised of students who enjoyed their Year 11 Pasta Sauce unit so much that they have kept coming back to Food Technology in subsequent years. "They're really eager and it's because of that unit, which was improved through using the Batters unit – I get comments about how they wish they could do Food Technology every day".

Jillian says sharing work "is a real buzz" and that her students have enjoyed looking at student workbooks from Diana's classes and seeing examples of how they could approach their work. Jillian builds on this by discussing particular aspects of technological practice, such as planning, which students could choose to do in different ways. The books provided an insight for students who hadn't done Food Technology before – "Oh, that's what you mean" was a typical response. Jillian also directs students to Techlink so that they can see what other students have done, saying it helps get them up to speed and scaffolds their work.

Jillian is enthusiastic about the Food Technology Toolbox which she says is fantastic. She started using the Toolbox in her planning in 2009, and says that when she streamlines her use of it next year her teaching will only get better.