Curriculum links: Level 5/6
'Values' education and developing 'Key competencies'
The delivery of the unit developed student understanding of the institutional history and values of the local client primary school and its community. (workbook p2)
This understanding was used in the development of students' individual product concepts to address the fund-raising needs of the school community
Discussion relating to the fitness for purpose of the chocolate product, its packaging (including labelling), and production/distribution process brought in considerations such as economics, personal preferences, community health and consumer safety. (workbook p82, p83, p84, p85, p86, p87, p88)
Key competencies
- Use of attribute testing to evaluate suitability of concepts (workbook p34)
- Exiting products and production processes explored in order to inform own decisions (workbook p28)
- Ongoing decision making informed using Review/ Reflect/ Revise (workbook p35)
- Identification of 'key' considerations that needed to be addressed in terms of client school management, chocolate manufacture, potential purchasers, School values etc. (workbook p4)
- Reflecting on the technological practices of others (workbook p16, p17, p18, p19, p20, p21, p22, p23, p24)
- Planning out own technological practice and undertaking it (workbook p5)
- Analysis of existing products (workbook p28)
- Labelling ethics (workbook p69)
Using Language symbols and text
- Use of Flow sheeting as a tool for communicating production ideas and information (workbook p80)
- Use of standard production flow symbols (workbook p73)
- Specific new terminology introduced - eg as HACCP and attribute testing (workbook p71)
- Graphical presentation of focus group preferences (workbook p51)
Managing self
- Strategy of 'review, reflect and revise' reinforced within ongoing individual planning (workbook p55)
- annotating own sketches and class photographs (workbook p78)
- Planning ahead in terms of tasks to be done, resources and time required (workbook p80)
- Ongoing evaluation against brief (workbook p81)
Relating to others
- Accepting guidance from key stakeholders and mentors (workbook p58)
- Managing regular feedback from key stakeholders and selected target audience through focus group activity (workbook p34)
- Accepted constructive critique of concepts and final prototype from representatives of client school (workbook p61)
Participating and contributing
- Design and use of questionnaire to determine stakeholder preferences (workbook p68)
- Working collaboratively with their peers and with others reinforced throughout development work (workbook p13)
- Contributing individual development work for consideration and evaluation before participating in the development of a group outcome (workbook p95)