Components of Technological Practice
Brief Development – Level 3 |
Supporting Learning Environment Level 3 To support students to undertake brief development at level three teachers could:
Focused Learning |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Describe the physical and functional nature of the outcome they are going to produce and explain how the outcome will have the ability to address the need or opportunity |
Use key questions to describe the physical and functional nature of the intended outcome. |
Questions to consider:
Describe attributes for the outcome and identify those which are key for the development and evaluation of an outcome |
Matching descriptions of ‘key’ attributes to a range of products. |
Matching a list of described ‘key’ attributes (e.g. made from soft spongy material that is light weight) to a range of products that students are both familiar and unfamiliar with. |
Describing ‘key attributes’, for their outcome. |
Use a template with stems for students to complete e.g. Outcome:
Matching key attributes to technological products |
Matching phrases that describe attributes of technological products to pictures of products |
Using the ‘key’ attributes of given products, students identify what the product is/does. |
This will … |
Students’ evaluating the ‘fitness for purpose’ of products against given ‘key’ attributes. |
Provide students with a list of key attributes that describe a product. |
Students using a set of given key attributes to evaluate the fitness for purpose of others products |
Students evaluate a range of products against a set of given ‘key attributes’ to determine their fitness for purpose. |
Literacy development – use of evaluative words |
Students evaluating another student’s technological outcome against its brief, making suggestions for changes to ‘key’ attributes to allow an evaluation to occur where necessary. |
Using a ‘touchy/feely bag’ where students cannot see the products inside |
Getting students to describe attributes of products using terminology that allows others to know what the product is:
Students asked to describe a range of products concealed within a bag that they can physically touch in terms of what they are feeling and smelling. |
From given products attributes identify what the product is/does. |
Provide students with a list of attributes that describe a product. Students asked to identify what the product is. |
Students evaluating the ‘fitness for purpose’ of products against given attributes. |
Evaluate a range of products against a set of given attributes to determine their ‘fitness for purpose’. |