e.nz magazine
Resource Review
- A 48-page magazine published bi-monthly by the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ).
- ABC audited total circulation for the six months up to June 2009 was 9,862.
- It is printed using vegetable based inks on paper which is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) approved, Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) approved and elemental chlorine free (ECF).
Curriculum / Qualifications links
- The contexts covered in the magazine relate directly to a broad range of senior Technology education programmes.
- Use of magazine content would support both teacher and student learning in Technology and the presentation of evidence for assessment for qualifications.
- The articles are particularly strong in providing illustrations of the embedding of the Technological Knowledge and Nature of Technology strands in contemporary practice.
- e.nz feature articles span a range of technological contexts and engineering disciplines including: energy, materials, structural, mechanical, process, manufacturing, information and communication.
- From mid-2009, each issue has focussed on a core theme. Recent issues have examined: sustainability of energy supply; climate change; and natural hazards.
- Feature articles are supplemented by short news items from New Zealand and abroad, highlighting current and potential future developments in technology and engineering.
- Regular reviews of books of interest to a technology and engineering audience are included.
Ease of use
- The magazine is attractively presented.
- Material is written in a style that will engage Technology teachers and senior students and is well-supported by photographic and other illustrations.
- e.nz is an excellent source of potential resource material for Technology teachers.
- The magazine is highly recommended as a valuable addition to the magazine section in a school library or in a classroom resource library for senior students.
- e.nz is published six times a year and is available at most major bookshops for $7.90 (November 2009).
- Postal subscription to New Zealand residents is $40 per year, with discounts available for New Zealand schools and financial members of Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ).
- For more information, including how to subscribe, visit e.nz-magazine.co.nz.