Technologists' Practice | October 2005 |
Materials / Waste management systems | YEARS 7-13 |
Abel Tasman Sewage Management | |
The Abel Tasman National Park has come under increasing pressure over recent years in coping with increasing numbers of visitors who want to experience this unique natural environment. Annual visitor numbers now exceed 250,000 and the most popular hut and campsites have a visitor peak of between 1,000 and 2,000 visitors per day. The Park's existing toilet facilities were not designed to meet the needs of growing numbers of visitors so Montgomery Watson Harza was commissioned by DOC to develop sustainable solutions for managing human waste and washing water at hut and camping sites across the Park. |
Focus points include: | Additional Material: |
Characteristics of Technology
Characteristics of Technological Outcomes
Technological Systems
Teaching Activities | |
Discussion starters: