Student Showcase
Throughout the country New Zealand students are producing Technology project work of exceptional innovation, design and craft. Techlink's Student Showcase pages celebrate some of these students' achievements and successes.
Student projects featured here cover a wide range – from Year 13 students designing and creating a window display for Te Papa promoting an international event in the capital through to the exceptional craftmanship of a Year 11 student designing and making a drinks trolley for his father; from the redesign of wet-weather gear for wheelchair users through to designing and creating a unique ballet costume.
All demonstrate innovation and excellence and show that New Zealand's future will be in good hands!
New students and their projects will be added on a monthly basis, so bookmark this page and check it out often.
If you have a technology student of any age who has displayed excellence in a recent project Techlink is interested in hearing about it. To view a .pdf guideline for submitting Student Showcase drafts click here. For more information please contact Hazel Slade, email [email protected].
Recent Student Showcases

Sumo Bots/3D printing
Students created a range of advanced robots to compete in a class sumo tournament. The students also experimented with the school's new 3D printer to create many of their robots' components. More»

Unique film prop
In designing a unique prop - a scavenged push-chair - for a feature film, Hunter had to consider the specific challenges involved in developing an outcome for filming. More»

Hīnaki – Creating eel traps
Students from Newton Central School in Central Auckland developed a hīnaki (eel trap) using modern materials in this unit that combined cultural research, testing, Art and Hard Materials. More»

Top Scholar Graphics 2011
Samuel Blok from Waiheke College took the 2011 Top Scholar in Graphics with a three-part project that included a "transformable apartment" design, a matching piece of furniture and a visual presentation. More»