Teaching Snapshots
This section provides an opportunity for teachers to share ideas they have successfully used in their classroom practice. It includes: strategies for delivering a particular aspect of the Technology curriculum, activities which have engaged student interest, resources used in the classroom, interaction with the wider community, and promotion of Technology education/subject areas.
The Teaching Snapshots are single page items which give a brief description of anything related to Technology education/classroom practice. Snapshots might look at details of a year-long programme, describe a simple strategy which anyone could put into place immediately, explain how a particular piece of equipment was used during a lesson, provide a solution to a specific issue or comment on a successful collaboration.
The aim is to build up a cache of ideas/activities/approaches which teachers can refer to as a knowledge base, that could be adopted or adapted, and which could be used as a point of inspiration for the continued development of their own practice.
Teachers: if you have any good ideas, strategies or examples of good practice that you think other teachers may be interested in, please email the Techlink team [email protected] with your contact details and we will arrange to get in touch.
Recent Teaching Snapshots

Google Apps DVC
Papatoetoe Intermediate's entire graphic design and modelling program available online to students and teachers through Google sites and Google docs. More»

Russell developed a unit around a context of traditional Polynesian carving in which students would develop their own patu. The unit was specifically designed to introduce Maori culture into a Resistant Materials progra...

Bone carving
Ian developed a bone carving unit for his Technology Māori immersion classes, combining elements of Planning for Practice and Modelling with strategies from MoE papers on teaching Māori students. More»

Establishing continuity in Year 9 Technology
A trial Year 9 Technology course, in which each class was taught by one teacher for four modules, proved so successful that it has been established as part of the school Technology programme. More»