Technology Practice Project
The Technological Practice Project (TPP) is a Ministry initiative designed to provide flexible professional learning support to the regions.
The project provides 'experts' from outside of a region to support technology teachers in specific aspects of technology teaching and learning. A sponsoring organisation hosts a professional learning opportunity for teachers and the TPP provides access to experts.
The Ministry funds School Support Services to provide professional learning support to teachers. The TPP is an adjunct to this work and therefore communication with your regional technology adviser is essential.
What is supported?
Support is provided to the visiting expert: travel and
associated expenses, teacher release, preparation time.
The host will be responsible for the venue and hospitality.
The project cannot cover any host or hospitality expenses or
costs associated with teachers in the region.
The format for a particular project is fairly flexible. The
following format types have been supported to date:
It is important to consider who will facilitate any workshop or meeting and how this might be done.
Each project requires a sponsoring organisation. So far these
have included: School Support Services, TENZ and GTTA
regions, and schools.
Who can access the resource?
Anyone who has an interest in supporting the professional learning of technology teachers.
Making it happen
To apply for the project, the Ministry needs certain information. You will need to have considered:
Submit this information before undertaking any extensive organisation. Please do not approach experts directly until an initial discussion is held.
Fill in the application form online
Download an Application Form (Word, 52Kb)
Address applications and and enquiries to:
Niall Dinning
National Coordinator Technology Education
Email [email protected]
Phone 07 333 1551, Cellphone 0274 303 014