- Education for Enterprise: Inspiring Growth
DESCRIPTION OF THE RESOURCE: (Nature/target groups /how used)
- A DVD produced and widely distributed by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise promoting the relevance of an 'Education for Enterprise' approach to learning in New Zealand schools
- Can be used to increase teacher knowledge or community awareness of the nature of 'Education for Enterprise' - E4E - and its relationship to 'New Thinking' enterprise activity in the community.
- Case studies relate to specific curricular and co-curricular activity in several New Zealand primary schools and one secondary school
- Some links made to NCEA L1 technology and L3 graphics programmes in the secondary case study material
CONTENT (Technical accuracy/balance/supporting quality teaching and learning)
- Short video clips of in-school enterprising activity with teacher reflective comment. Heavily focussed on the primary school case studies.
- Short overviews of 'New Thinking' business activity in New Zealand covering a range of technological areas taken from the successful 2004 'Momentum', TV series.
- Link established between enterprise activity in the community and teaching and learning in schools in terms of innovation, leadership and risk taking.
EASE OF USE (user friendliness /functionality/flexibility)
- DVD is structured to enable easy navigation
- Good use of graphics and easy to watch
- Case studies material provided in PDF format for downloading
- Material can be accessed using PC and Mac platforms
RATING (Worth considering if... because...):
- If you are in teaching or teacher education - particularly in the primary system
- If you want to find out what 'Education for Enterprise' is all about and how it can links to curriculum areas such as technology education, science and social studies
- If you are looking for material to make your parent community more aware of the nature and importance of enterprising learning
- Because material presented is firmly set in the New Zealand context
ACCESSIBILITY (Availability/cost)
- Distributed free by NZTE from May 2006