Computer Game Development
Digital Technology
Years 11-13

Technology Research School
Hard Materials
Years 1-6

Dressing table design
Year 11

Beacon Practice Schools

Phase 1 (2005/06)

The 2005/2006 Beacon Practice project involved seven initiatives in 13 schools throughout the country.

In Hamilton/Katikati, Katikati College in the Bay of Plenty and Hillcrest High School in Hamilton worked in partnership, with a focus on teaching technology in an ICT context. More...

In Pahiatua, Tararua College and the Bush Technology Centre worked together to improve the quality of their Year 7-13 Food Technology programmes. More...

In Tauranga, Mount Maunganui College engaged students in Technological Practice to develop a conceptual design for a student area within the school environment. More...

In Gisborne, three key technology teachers from the Gisborne Girls' High School and Lytton High School developed their capacity to deliver sound technology education programmes that reflected the specific learning needs and interests of Tairawhiti students. More...

In Havelock North, Havelock North High School used the Beacon Practice initiative to build the professional capacity of their technology department to reflect current best practice and undertake quality planning. More...

Wellington's initiative involved four schools – Wellington College, Wellington High, Queen Margaret College and St Patrick's College – supporting each other in their independent work on a variety of projects. More...

In Christchurch, St Margaret's College built on the existing strengths in their Year 9-13 technology programme to develop a seamless technology education programme from Years 1 to 13. More...

Phase 2 (2006/07)

The 2006/2007 project involved a further nine schools, in Auckland, the Waikato and Nelson.

In Auckland Carmel College and St Kentigern College worked together to develop more cohesive junior programmes (Years 9-10) to provide continuity and progression toward senior (Years 11-13) courses. Their focus technological areas were food, materials, ICT and electronics and control. More...

At Botany Downs Secondary College in Howick, one emphasis was on demonstrating how the integration of ICT tools supports technology education and the role ICT has in supporting functional modelling in technology classrooms. More...

In Auckland, Mount Roskill Grammar targeted programmes that support learning in technology education from Years 10-13, with a focus on electronics and control technology. More...

In the Waikato region, Hamilton Girls' High School, Tauranga Boys' College and St John's College (Hamilton) worked together as a cluster. One of their goals was to develop systems of evidence gathering that effectively support student learning and that were appropriate for national assessment purposes. Classes mainly worked in the areas of food and Materials Technology. More...

Nelson's Nayland College and Garin College worked across the areas of food, materials and electronics and control exploring, among other things, links between literacy strategies and achievement in technology education. More...