Implementing the Technology curriculum
Teaching Practice
Years 7-8

Study Desk - A Product Design unit
Year 11

Moveable Toys
Hard Materials
Years 0-6

Botany Downs Secondary College

After staff discussion involving all technological areas throughout 2006, a shared vision for the department was produced. A "step-up" model for progression in the Year 9 technology programme has been developed and planning continuing through Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 to enable teachers and students to visualise progression at each level. Work is continuing on the development of assessment criteria which links to the step-up model.

"We developed terminology list for each year level which is hyperlinked to our schemes of work," says teacher Dip Achary. "There is ongoing work on creating activities around these terminologies."

The introduction of functional modelling as a teaching tool in Graphics and technology was also trailed in 2006 and a plan developed to introduce 3D CAD modelling in Year 9. Every Year 9 student now receives CAD training and have access to a copy of the program at home to support their learning.

"As Botany Downs is a new school, there are additional new staff every year," says Dip. "A lot of work therefore needs to be done in training all teachers to ensure there is a shared understanding of the technology curriculum, and the terminologies."