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Case Study BP611: Client based student practice


Client presentations

Initial class discussion centred on planning methods, and the need to determine the key milestones for the project. Each student then completed the first in what would become a series of Project Milestone sheets.

With Edges as the client, the context of picture framing was explored and the initial visit to the client premises was planned. Jeff found that the students were unsure about how to interact with the client and initially looked for guidance on issues they could focus in on. They had little idea about how to develop suitable questions to ask and Jeff did considerable work helping them to phrase questions in an open manner.

The questions formulated provided a framework for the initial interaction with the client during the first visit and the information gathered was brought back to the class for follow-up discussion. Again, Jeff found that the students were looking to him to identify the specific client needs and considerable class discussion was required to provide a strong base of understanding from which they could identify their own area for further exploration. Issues identified included: security; advertising and promotion; and construction and display of products. Work then proceeded on determining key factors and formulating their initial brief and specifications.

Visiting the shop

Students then developed some preliminary concepts in consultation with the client. The brief and specifications were further refined and a preferred concept chosen for further development through to a working drawing stage - again with ongoing feedback from the client.

As part of the programme a series of visits was arranged by Jeff to look at a range of commercial technological practice. To compare and contrast practices, a visit was also arranged to Rembrandt - a much larger Napier based picture-framing business. Another visit was made to Furnware, the Hastings-based company which has become one of New Zealand's largest and most experienced manufacturer and supplier of school furniture products and systems. Here students were able to follow the product development process from design through prototyping to full-scale commercial production.

This introductory project ended with a formal presentation to the client, where each student presented their issue and conceptual design to the client in the form of a storyboard supported by back-up documentation in their folio.