What next?
Work continues at both schools on progressive fine tuning of their programmes of work. The alternative schedules developed and tested in 2006 are being fully implemented in 2007.
Katikati continues its work to embed the Components of Practice into all teaching programmes within the Technology faculty.
The cluster is also examining a number of emerging issues to address in 2007, including:
- incorporating into their programmes the 'Technological Knowledge' and 'Nature of Technology' strands of the new Draft Curriculum
- involve practising technologists in their teaching programmes - industry liaison and incorporating a practicing technologist perspective will be a priority in 2007 programmes.
- becoming better aligned with tertiary providers.
- developing alternative ways to deliver content so students can work with a wider range of software to solve a wider range of issues, particularly in their Year 13 programmes.
The cluster has also identified the need for teachers to be continually upskilling in ICT - this is seen as critical for successful technology education programmes.