The module begins with an outline of how the classwork will be structured over the term. Attention quickly turns to the development of the knowledge and skills which the students will need for their project and this is structured into three distinct parts.
John follows his brief introduction to electronic systems by giving the students the opportunity to use his Demonstration System Kits to connect typical Input, Process and Output boards together and to show the working outcomes to the rest of the class. In the third part of the introductory stage the students design and build complete electronic circuits of increasing complexity. The power source for these circuits is taken off the bench terminals at each of the student work stations.
The technology cycle which students become familiar with in their Year 9 technology programme is then revised. Students are introduced to the issue they will be addressing and given the class brief.
Students spend some time in planning their practice and then further knowledge development takes place built around integrated circuits and the particular PICAXE microcontroller which they will be using. A series of programming exercises is attempted using the class set of test circuit boards which John has developed.
Students then move on to write their initial brief with specifications and, after carrying out basic research on robots, develop and screen a range of concepts. Ongoing stakeholder evaluation leads into the final development phase with the production of a working drawing and flowchart showing the sequence for manufacture - with quality control checks structured into the process.
Students then formulate their final brief with a list of specifications for their developed solution.
Manufacture involves the component assembly of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and then the following of the test procedure to power the board up. Students then construct an MDF base to mould the plastic body of their robot.
Students complete their project with a final evaluation of both their solution and the practice they have followed.