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'The New Zealand Curriculum' (2007)

Components of Technological Knowledge

Technological Modelling – Level 8

Supporting Learning Environment Level 8

To support students to develop understanding of technological modelling at level 8, teachers could:

  • support students to develop a critical and informed understanding of why technological modelling is an important aspect for ensuring responsible and defensible decisions are made during the design, development and any subsequent manufacturing of technological outcomes.
  • support students to critically analyse examples of technological modelling practices that were undertaken to address a range of competing and contestable factors to gain insight into how these factors can be handled. These factors arise from such things as differing moral, ethical, cultural, and/or political views and the way in which people adhere to and understand issues such as sustainability, globalisation, democracy, global warming etc. Examples should include the modelling practices of technologists and should include instances where modelling was undertaken to deal with competing and contestable factors.

Focused Learning

Teaching Strategy


Explain the role of technological modelling in making informed, responsive and defensible design and development decisions

Visiting technologists or case studies about their functional modelling


Dragons Den

Students required to justify how their technological modelling allowed them to determine that their technological outcome was fit for purpose

Explain the role of technological modelling in making informed, responsive and defensible manufacturing decisions

Visiting technologists or case studies about their functional modelling


Discuss examples to illustrate a range of technological modelling practices that have been undertaken in situations with competing and contestable factors

Compare and contrast two technologists practice or case studies


Critique examples of technological modelling practices in terms of how well they address underpinning factors.

Compare and critique two technologists practice or case studies


Technological Practice Brief Development
Planning for Practice
Outcome Development and Evaluation
Technological Knowledge Technological Modelling
Technological Products
Technological Systems
Nature of Technology Characteristics of Technology
Characteristics of Technological Outcomes