Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 1 |
Teacher Guidance Level 1 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 1, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Describe what a functional model is. |
Define physical and functional attributes first (Technological practice) before defining functional modelling. |
Identify link between physical/functional attributes and functional modelling. |
Using a range of functional models, discuss:
Discuss examples of functional models. |
Identify examples of functional models, such as drawings, talking, mockups or recipes. |
Identify the purpose of functional modelling. |
Compare a range of functional models to prototypes. |
Provide examples of prototypes (eg, photos of prototype cars – see Future for all) and examples of functional models (eg, sketch of car), and ask:
Use a Venn diagram to record differences and similarities. |
Functional modelling of everyday items. |
Share examples of functional modelling of everyday items (eg, bendy straw or check out Google Patents), and ask:
Describe what a prototype is. |
Look at prototype products (eg, cars and other products – see Future for all). |
Identify the purpose of prototyping. |
Compare functional models and prototypes. |
Share examples of prototypes of everyday items (eg, bendy straw, check out Google Patents). |
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 2 |
Teacher Guidance Level 2 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 2, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Explain that the purpose of functional modelling of design ideas allows for the gathering of specific information about the possible nature of a potential technological outcome. |
Provide examples of functional models for a range of products. |
Students encouraged to answer the following questions:
Describe examples to illustrate how functional modelling has been used to test design ideas and develop conceptual ideas. |
Provide examples of technological outcomes alongside examples (pictures /photos) of its functional modelling. |
Students could look at, for example, the mobile phone as a technological outcome, and its drawings, circuit diagrams, mock-ups as functional modelling, and discuss how each functional model was used to test design ideas (parts of, eg, just buttons) conceptual ideas (the whole). |
Describe examples to illustrate how prototyping has been used to test technological outcomes. |
Prototype products that have never gone into production. |
Show examples and discuss:
Discuss the importance of functional modelling and prototype testing in the development of technological outcomes. |
Examples of modelling in a technological outcomes story of development. |
Give students a story (Gadget Nation book is good) about a technological outcome and its development. They identify the functional modelling that was done with that technological outcome and also identify other modelling that could/might have been done. They also describe the information the technologist gained from that functional modelling. |
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 3 |
Teacher Guidance Level 3 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 3, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Explain that different forms of modelling provide different types of evidence. |
Identify information gained from a model. |
Students are shown examples of different models (eg, drawings, sketches, circuit diagrams, mock-ups, prototypes), and asked: What information does each give the technologist? Use in context with a particular technological outcome. |
Discuss how physical mockups and prototypes provide different evidence than functional models. |
The form of modelling used needs to suit the technological outcomes. |
Discuss with students why some forms of modelling are more suited than others to testing design ideas. For example:
Have students suggest possible modelling techniques to test a specific desirable attribute in a technological outcome |
Matching game – Match models with evidence students provide. |
Students are given cards with different models (eg, sketches, descriptions, circuit diagrams, mock-ups, prototypes) and cards describing different attributes tests (eg, to test strength, safety, durability, aesthetics, fitness for purpose). These cards can be of words ("circuit diagram”) or photos (photo of a circuit diagram) or pictures (the actual circuit /circuit diagram) or descriptions (the thinking/talking). Students are asked to match the model with the evidence it might provide, and to justify their decisions. |
Discuss examples to illustrate how particular models were developed to gather specific data to inform decision-making. |
Visiting technologist (or their story from Techlink). |
Visiting technologist (or their story from Techlink) shares the modelling they have undertaken and how each model informed their decision-making. |
Identify the benefits and limitations of functional modelling undertaken in particular examples. |
Provide examples of modelling in the development of a technological outcome(s). |
Give students a story (Gadget Nation book is good) about a technological outcome and its development. Students identify:
Describe examples to illustrate how prototypes were tested to evaluate a technological outcome's fitness for purpose and to identify any need for further development. |
Provide examples of prototype products (eg, cars, potato peelers, hair dryer. |
Ask students:
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 4 |
Teacher Guidance Level 4 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 4, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Explain why it is necessary to consider both what 'can' be done and what 'should' be done when making design decisions. |
Student investigation of what they consider an unfavorable outcome. |
Students investigate an existing technological outcome that they believe 'should not' have been made (weapons? nanotechnology? cell phones?), and present their justification as to why it 'shouldn't' have been created.
Class creates a bank of questions that need to/should be considered when developing a technological outcome, for example:
Explain why different forms of functional modelling are needed to fully explore possibilities and different types of data. |
Weird or unsuccessful products that did not fully explore possibilities and different types of data. |
Explore weird or unsuccessful products that did not do enough functional modelling before production. This meant that all possibilities and issues were not fully explored before they were developed and implemented as technological outcomes (eg, McDonalds McDLT flop). |
Introduce and explore what CAD is and discuss what kind of data it provides as a functional model. |
Discuss examples of prototyping to explain how evidence gathered provided justification for evaluating a technological outcome as fit for purpose or in need of refinement. |
Bad designs/prototypes. |
Students find examples of bad designs/prototypes and discuss their intended fitness for purpose (Bad designs site). Students to look at:
Weird or unsuccessful products where the prototyping stage could have provided information about fitness for purpose. |
Weird or unsuccessful products where the prototyping stage could have provided info re fitness for purpose. This meant that they did not fully explore all possibilities and issues prior to them being developed and implemented as technological outcomes (eg, McDonalds McDLT flop). |
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 5 |
Teacher Guidance Level 5 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 5, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Discuss examples to illustrate how evidence and reasoning is used in informed and justifiable decision-making during functional modelling |
Define evidence and reasoning. |
Sudents discuss and define what evidence is and what is reasoning, brainstorming possible evidence and reasoning based on examples of functional modelling. |
Visiting technologists explains their use of functional modelling. |
The visiting technologist to answer questions such as:
Discuss examples to illustrate how prototyping provides information to determine maintenance requirements to ensure optimal performance over time. |
Examples of how prototypes can provide this information. |
Explore examples of technological outcomes where a prototype did/could have informed the technologist of the maintenance requirements to ensure continued optimal performance over time. |
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 6 |
Teacher Guidance Level 6 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 6, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Explain practical and functional reasoning and how they work together to enhance technological modelling. |
Define practical and functional reasoning. |
From Techlink glossary:
How do they work together. |
Introduce scenarios where only one aspect (practical or functional reasoning) was considered without the other and scenarios where they both worked together, for example: bombs, designer babies, genetic modifications. |
Explain the role of technological modelling in the exploration and identification of possible risk/s. |
Technological product flops/disasters. |
Take an example of a technological outcome that ultimately failed (eg, Titanic, Hindenburg). |
Describe examples to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of technological modelling for risk exploration. |
Technological product flops/disasters. |
Students explore strengths and weaknesses of certain technological models for risk exploration Within a context (eg, Titanic) or in general.
Modelling an example. |
Present the class with a hypothetical example of the development of a technological outcome (eg, bridge, electronic alarm, chair). |
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 7 |
Teacher Guidance Level 7 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 7, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Explain why different people accept different types of evidence as valid. |
Differences in people. |
… in terms of factors such as:
Explore examples of different forms of technological models/evidence and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each for identifying and mitigating risk, eg, a prototype car being testing in physical environment compared with a the CAD representation of that design. |
Discuss examples to illustrate why the status of evidence gained from technological modelling might change across contexts. |
Status of evidence. |
Explore how different technological developments (and their contexts) give different status to the evidence gained from their technological modelling. |
Explain the influences on decision-making underpinning technological modelling that ensures both what 'should' and 'could' be done are fully explored and justified. |
Role-playing on the theme of Influences: Aspects of the technological development |
Influences on decision-making can be based on:
Discuss the following questions, both in general and in the context of an outcome (either student's own outcome or an example such as a new motorway):
Students each given a role to play in a scenario for the development of a controversial outcome (eg, new motorway, new intersection layout, new sports stadium).
Ask the questions again, and have the group discuss, this time representing the interests of their role. |
Role-playing on the theme of Influences: Differing moral, ethical, cultural, and/or political views |
Discuss the following questions, both in general and in the context of an outcome (either their own outcome or another example, eg, designer babies, nanotechnology, stem cell research)
Influences on decision-making can be …
Students each given a role to play in a scenario of the development of a controversial outcome (eg, designer babies, nanotechnology, stem cell research). Roles could be based on list above. |
Explain the role of technological modelling in ascertaining and mitigating risk. |
See risk examples above |
Describe examples to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of technological modelling for risk mitigation. |
See risk examples above |
STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS IN Components of Technological Knowledge
Technological Modelling – Level 8 |
Teacher Guidance Level 8 To support students to develop understanding of Technological Modelling at Level 8, teachers could:
Indicators of Progression |
Teaching Strategy |
Explanation |
Explain the critical role of technological modelling in making informed, responsive and defensible design and development decisions within technological developments. |
See role play activity above
Record (video/audio) the role play and analyse. |
Describe examples to illustrate how technological modelling has allowed for justifiable and defensible technological practice that takes account of often competing and contestable factors. |
See role play activity above
Record (video/audio) the role play and analyse. |