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Classroom Practice Case Study August 2010

Fabric storage containers

Fabric Storage Containers

Year 6 students at Dilworth School designed a fabric storage container for a client during the Soft Materials focus in their Technology programme. The students learnt to make patterns and how to use a sewing machine during the development of their containers.

Teacher guidance

Teaching strategies – Level 3

Brief Development

Guide students to describe the physical and functional nature of an outcome (e.g. what it looks like and what it can do) taking into account the need or opportunity, conceptual statements and resources available

  • Indicator: Students can describe the physical and functional nature of the outcome they are going to produce and explain how the outcome will have the ability to address the need or opportunity

Guide students to identify the key attributes an appropriate outcome should have. Key attributes reflect those that are deemed essential for the successful function of the outcome.

  • Indicator: Students can describe attributes for the outcome and identify those which are key for the development and evaluation of an outcome.

Outcome Development and Evaluation

Support students to ensure that there is a brief with attributes against which a developed outcome can be evaluated

  • Indicator: students can describe design ideas (either through drawing, models and/or verbally) for potential outcomes

Provide opportunities to develop drawing and modelling skills to communicate and explore design ideas. Emphasis should be on progressing 2D and 3D drawing skills and using manipulative media such as plasticine, wire, card etc.

  • Indicator: Students can select materials/components, based on their performance properties, for use in the production of the outcome
Values / Key competencies Additional Material:

Students working on this unit were encouraged to value excellence by aiming high and persevering in the face of difficulties.

The Secret Life of Machines
(YouTube series)