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Classroom Practice Case Study June 2010
Project-based Technology YEAR 13

Parkway playground project

Parkway Playground Project

In this Project-based Technology unit, Year 13 students worked in groups to design a new playground for the park just down the road from their school. They developed three proposals for their client – the Hutt City Council had agreed to fund rebuilding of the playground over three years – who chose the obstacle course concept which the class worked on together to complete.

Teacher guidance – level 7-8


Support students to develop and justify specifications that will allow the evaluation of the outcome and its development to be judged as fit for purpose in the broadest sense.

  • Indicator: Students can justify the specifications as based on stakeholder feedback and the nature of the outcome required to address the need or opportunity, consideration of the environment in which the outcome will be situated, and resources available.


Support students by ensuring that there is a brief against which planning to develop an outcome can occur.

  • Indicator: Students can select appropriate planning tools and develop project management practices informed by the critical analysis of their own and others' planning practices


Support students to develop drawing and modelling skills to communicate and explore design ideas.

  • Indicator: Students can undertake functional modelling of the design to provide evidence that the proposed outcome has the potential to be fit for purpose

Support students to gain targeted stakeholder feedback and understand the implications of the physical and social environment in which the outcome is to be located.

  • Indicator: Sudents can use stakeholder feedback and an understanding of the physical and social requirements of where the outcome will be situated to support and justify an evaluation of the outcome and development practices as fit for purpose.
Key competencies / Values Additional Material:

Student self-motivation, an integral part of the Parkway playground project, is evident in the way students managed their projects and the resultant high standard of work.



See also Techlink's Enterprise Links

Also see the Project based technology Teaching Snapshot