A student working on his project
Colin and Technology HOD Steve Ronowicz hold a parents' information evening each year. This allows them to explain to parents about what they are hoping to achieve with their programme and that the process students follow is a very 'real' one; that the NCEA assessment reflects this and is not just an opportunity to gain qualifications.
One of the advantages of changing the course title to 'Product Development Course' has been that parents come in with an understanding of what it means; there is no "What is this technology stuff?' confusion. This evening also aids communication throughout the year between parents and teachers.
In the past students have been presented with a particular product, with their assignment being to develop an improvement or a different aspect for the item.
Colin Lawrence:
"These students are quite capable of coming up with ideas and building on concepts which are commercially viable."
Colin decided to 'open up' the unit completely, so that students were able to select their own product to develop. He hoped that this would enthuse them, because they could work in their own area of interest, and also allow for more innovative designs as they could see a need or opportunity in the field they had chosen.