Study CP1203

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
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Student workbooks Natalie 1 (3.7MB)
Natalie 2 (3.5MB)
Natalie 3 (6.5MB)
Tara 1 (2.4MB)
Tara 2 (8.8MB)
Taylor (3.5MB)

School website

July 2012

Case Study CP1203 Computer game development

What next?

Student outcomes: cover of Saving Cinderella game.

Saving Cinderella gameplay.

Due to the high level of student motivation and success in both internal and external NCEA assessment, Julie and Luke have repeated the course in 2012 with a few adaptations.

“The world is going into shared collaborative documents so this year the girls make their survey in Google Docs, e-mail it out and have people make their response online instead of on paper. The standard requires them to integrate data from two applications but now they are doing four, going from Google Docs, Excel, Access then Word. So this adds another component to their skills base,” says Julie.

“We have also changed the Digital Media section. Because the game box art was so popular, that is the only option now but they will be printing their logo onto the DVD disc as well.”