Study CP1203

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Module 2
Module 3
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Student workbooks Natalie 1 (3.7MB)
Natalie 2 (3.5MB)
Natalie 3 (6.5MB)
Tara 1 (2.4MB)
Tara 2 (8.8MB)
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July 2012

Case Study CP1203 Computer game development


Student outcomes: cover of Space Race game.

Julie and Luke started the year by explaining to the girls that they would be creating their own game prototype, logo and marketing materials – this end goal created real excitement and enthusiasm in the class, which continued throughout the year.

A course outline explained that the year would be divided into three modules, each created to fit within the game development theme as well as target specific Digital Technology and Generic Technology achievement standards. Each module in the unit plan also had links to the components that the students would be targeting for the end of year external assessment.

Space Race gameplay.

From the start, Julie stressed the importance of documentation as a way to reinforce the knowledge the students were learning and as a head-start for the end-of-year external exam. This documentation often included screen shots combined with simple annotations of the student’s decision-making process, such as the software they chose for each task, and why it was selected over alternatives.

“At the start of the year we had the girls begin an external notes document they would update throughout the teaching and learning. For instance, they might record the type of files they are learning about or why it was important to use that type of file. So by the time it came to writing the external report, they had gathered all the data required, and it was authentic because they are referring to their own processes. So that was another key to the success of the year and we had very good external results.”