Computer Game Development
Digital Technology
Years 11-13

Technology Research School
Hard Materials
Years 1-6

Dressing table design
Year 11

Classroom Practice Case Studies

These case studies form part of a support package provided for schools by the Ministry of Education, as part of the Growth and Innovation Framework (GIF) – Technology Education initiative.

Materials have been developed from the experience gained within the Beacon Practice Project and are presented in a range of formats including case studies, both of classroom work and of specific teacher practice.

The case studies provide easy access to quality practice in technology education. They will enable and encourage teachers to reflect on and evaluate their own practice and support the achievement of high quality outcomes for a greater range of technology students. They will also better inform the wider national and international community of the nature and scope of technology education programmes in New Zealand schools.

Recent Electronics Classroom Practice Case Studies

CP804: Electronics programme design image

Electronics programme design
The early NCEA years found a previously successful Electronics progamme foundering. This case study looks at the initiatives put in place during 2005 and 2006 to establish a successful Achievement St... More»

BP609: Remote-controlled electronic robot image

Remote-controlled robot
In this unit students are introduced to electronics through the construction and programming of a remote-controlled robot. More»