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Hands-off Healing

Digital-era wound care

ARANZ SilhouetteMobile device at work

ARANZ SilhouetteMobile device at work

To date ARANZ has concentrated on targeting the wound care market – patients with skin ulcers and injuries – but the device has other possible uses.

“There could be applications outside of medicine, such as industrial inspections, but we are not actively investigating them right now,” says Mr Davey. “The US market is potentially huge for wound care and that is where we are focusing our plans.” He sees opportunities with organisations conducting clinical trials into wound care and wound care products, and also long-term care facilities where residents are treated for wounds.

Jeannie Randles: "When you see a patient, say once a week, you can easily confuse one wound with someone else’s. We need objective measurement to really let us know if the wound is really healing or not and that is why using the SilhouetteMobile is so helpful. It takes away a lot of the guesswork."

SilhouetteMobile is rapidly gaining popularity and acceptance by medical personnel. Last October, the device was recognised as “advancing wound assessment into the digital era” when it won the award for innovation at the New Zealand Health Innovation Awards held in Wellington.

Claire Le Couteur is a Christchurch-based freelance writer.