Abel Tasman Sewage Management
Risk Assessment
Project risks were identified in partnership with DOC during the planning stages, and later during construction with the contractor.
A risk
management strategy plan for the entire Park was developed. The following steps were taken during the planning stages to identify and assess project risks.
- A review of available literature. This enabled the team to identify risks and known incidents experienced in the Park and similar locations.
- Investigating previously installed backcountry wastewater solutions to obtain information on the performance of systems.
- Using a multi-disciplinary team, that comprised DOC staff and consultant specialists.
- The multi-disciplinary team completed comprehensive field studies together, enabling team interaction, understanding of risks from different perspectives and identification of the most appropriate mitigation measures. These mitigation measures were influential in the selection of solutions.
- A review of park user information in this location and other sensitive locations to assess user feedback and perceptions and identify patterns.
- Initial site visits to assess the physical geography and identify existing constraints and appropriate mitigation measures.
- Detailed follow-up site investigations for identified areas of risk, including visitor numbers, geology, groundwater levels, and consultation with affected parties, in particular tangata whenua.
- Researching possible solutions to determine their applicability to the specific issues identified.
- Completing a strategy for the Park which established development principles and specified methods for applying these principles, establishing strategy options and evaluating options including cost estimates at each site.
- Preparing a design report that detailed the proposed solutions for review by DOC. This enabled confirmation of the selected designs prior to preparing tender documentation and proceeding to contract. It also allowed design assumptions to be recorded, potential issues for monitoring during implementation to be noted, and provided a basis for final DOC review of the proposed solutions before committing to construction.
- Proactive consultation by DOC with tangata whenua, including site visits to explain, in the field, the issues and the proposed solutions.
- Risks were documented in the Sewage Disposal Investigation Report and reviewed during the course of the project to ensure active management of the risk profile.
- A workshop was held with DOC staff to select the best options for the Park and each site.