Curriculum Links – Primary level
Technological products: Level 1
Achievement Objective: Students will understand that technological products are made from materials that have performance properties
Bring products (such as muesli, bread, tyre, torch, kete, chair) to the classroom and discuss their purpose. Then explore their contents/ingredients/ components.
The teacher elicits information about the ingredients or materials. Students are given the names of the components (wheat/flour, rubber, metal, flax/harakeke etc) and explore how these 'perform'. For example, flax can be folded, woven, joined etc to make a strong, flexible item. The teacher could provide headings such as 'strong', 'flexible' and provide photographs of materials that would be categorized accordingly.
Explore common materials and investigate what can be done with them and what they can do. For example:
- Add sugar/salt/ honey etc. to water / dough/ milk etc. and discuss the results. Identify where these have been used in other products.
- Investigate materials such as paper, cardboard, corflute by cutting, folding, sticking together, wetting (papier mache) and discuss possible uses. Find examples, e.g.; real estate signs, egg cartons.
- Compare glass, cardboard containers, plastic etc. to see how slowly a hot liquid loses its temperature
Give students suggested outcomes and ask for the most suitable material to construct them. For example:
- How is it best to store: milk, ice cream, bread, money, photos etc.
Investigate how materials have been shaped, joined or finished to make a product. For example:
- Examine bottles and their shapes
- How have envelopes been shaped and joined?
Compare surfaces of various products and discuss reasons for variations. For example:
- Mats: examine the process of developing mats in different societies
- Meat containers: plastic, polystyrene
- Photographs: matte, glossy
- Keyboards: flat, projecting; computer, musical
- Balls: golf, soccer, cricket etc
- Tyres: smooth, treaded
Curriculum Links
Primary: Tech Products: Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Vocab | Branding - Level 3/4
Secondary level: Senior discussion questions