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Extracts NZ Ltd

propolis products

Comvita propolis products

Extracts NZ adds value to the unique honey and hive products being produced by New Zealand beekeepers. Comvita New Zealand works directly with the beekeepers and supplies Extracts NZ with the raw propolis. Extracts NZ also receives raw propolis directly from beekeepers and processes it into pure propolis.

Quality, raw propolis is readily available from beekeepers in New Zealand. Manufacturers of health products have customers for their products containing pure propolis both in New Zealand and overseas. Extracts NZ has developed expertise in the extraction and formulation of pure propolis and applies this so that the product is constantly being improved. Alaron Products have expertise in manufacturing capsules and tablets and Comvita NZ have expertise in packaging and marketing them.

An opportunity was identified to develop, using the expertise across three companies, a new, encapsulated health product where the key ingredient is pure propolis formulated as a powder of 80% strength, encapsulated, bottled and marketed.

Expertise at Extracts NZ and the Propolis Producing People

Extracts NZ’s development and processing team is in constant communication about the improvement, development, and processing of the propolis. This team includes Frans van Boekhout the general manager, Alan Cooke the technical director, Christine Acres the quality assurance manager and Ian Boyer the extraction supervisor. These people are in constant communication as they share ideas and develop new innovations for products and processes. Through teamwork, the sharing of ideas and ongoing innovation, the company has moved from originally what was a reasonably high-tech cottage industry to a place of strength, where it can contribute to the development of nutraceutical products that can be marketed nationally and internationally.

From discussion and subsequent development work a process method and product specification will be developed so that the customer knows exactly what to expect in the final product. All products processed are subject to stringent Quality control as per the quality assurance flow sheet.