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Cow Power - Curriculum Links

Nature of Technology Strand

Characteristics of Technology (Explanatory Paper)

  • Technology is a purposeful intervention-by-design human activity that results in technological outcomes that impact on the world.
  • Technology  enhances the capability of humans to transform materials, energy and information.
  • Technology uses and produces technological knowledge which is validated in the successful development of a technological outcome.
  • Technology is historically positioned and inseparable from social and cultural influences and impacts.
  • Contemporary Technological Practice is increasingly collaborative and inter-disciplinary.

Focus Questions

  1. Discuss the purposeful nature of the development by examining the potential impact of large-scale adoption of this technology. [Local impacts could relate to the individual farmers and the immediate community; at a national and global level, economic and environmental sustainability issues could be among those considered.]
  2. Material and energy transformation is key to the effective functioning of the BioGenCool™ system. Outline where such transformations are occurring.
  3. Discuss some of the contemporary economic, social and cultural drivers to the adoption of this technology.

Characteristics of Technological Outcomes (Explanatory Paper)

  • Technological outcomes are material products and systems developed for a specific function through Technological Practice.
  • A technological outcome is evaluated in terms of its fitness for purpose.
  • Technological outcomes can be described by their physical and functional properties.
  • The terms 'Proper function', 'Alternative function' and 'Mal-function' can be related to technological outcomes.

Focus Questions

  1. List the physical and functional properties of the technological products that link together to form this technological system.
  2. What measures could be used to determine the fitness for purpose of the BioGenCool™ system?