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Primitive beginnings

PearsThe lab research started with small-scale biochemistry, when they created a prototype with materials that came to hand before they had access to the film and adhesives that only a commercial label manufacturer could provide. Dr Sharrock describes their first attempts as primitive.

"At that stage, things were made using materials that came to hand – Sellotape and Duraseal and things like this that you might use if you were doing it at home."

The researchers had to convince Jenkins Group to get involved with the project and invest in the necessary equipment to mass produce the labels. But even with primitive materials, they could demonstrate the concept.

"It wasn't an instant hit with them [Jenkins Group], we had to convince them over several years that it was viable and there was market demand," explains Dr Sharrock.

A niche in the market was recognised in the United States, where the pear industry cited trouble with consumers knowing when to eat the pears, particularly the Green Anjou variety. The pears are transported to supermarkets while hard, and people buy and eat them before they reach optimal flavour and juiciness.