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RML Automation

The Knowledge

The Nestlé ice cream which needed to be handled by the new machine to be packed in a new format

The Nestlé Ice Cream which needed to be handled by the new machine to be packed in a new format

RML is a long standing specialised engineering firm; from its many years of operation it has gained a large amount of tacit knowledge. This is knowledge that has been gained over time and is exclusive to the firm. It is used frequently in all projects and is integral for them to produce sophisticated specialist machinery. The areas in which this knowledge is apparent is in the following:

  • Time management and Project planning (including resources)
  • Material Knowledge
  • Specialist design in their field of expertise
  • Manufacturing quality

However even with a long standing firm, each project is different and a demand for new knowledge is present. In the case of the specialist machine, the s540 collator, this was even more so. The areas in which new knowledge was requires are as follows:

  • Communication with an off-shore client
  • Safety, Laws and Legislation
  • Trouble shooting
  • Patents