Delivery – part one
The unit focusses on the Technology goal and the student's individual goal which results from it:
"We are trying to make a drink using grape juice for children our age."
Planned Unit/Suggested Learning Experiences | Gateway/s | Learning Outcome | Criteria | Assessment Strategies |
Brainstorm for "Vinfizz"
How did Seddon look 5yrs ago?
- Lots of big paddocks – brown
- Lots of sheep, cattle, deer
- Big river that flooded
- Crops like hay, sweetcorn, peas
- Some fruit orchards
- Bigger farms
- Lots of families and children
- Not many pine trees
- Lots of shelter belts
What does Seddon look like now?
- Green paddocks of grapes
- Not so many animals
- The river doesn't have much water in Summer
- New shops
- New bridge
- More lakes and dams on farms
- Big sprinklers and irrigation for grapes
- Olive trees. Less trees in shelter belts
- Smaller farms
What will Seddon be like in 2015?
- Very small farms – lifestyle blocks
- Grapes galore
- Fewer birds
- More houses
- More olives
- More people
- Fewer children
- Less water
- Fewer farmers raising animals and crops
- More people living in town (Seddon)
- More traffic
What sort of drinks do children of your age drink?
Fanta – pepsi – lemonade – fru-juice – milk shakes or flavoured milk – hot chocolate – flavoured mineral water – E² – lemon & paeroa – fizzy fruit juices – water – ginger beer – milo – sprite – ribena – coke – sparkling grapetise – sparkling apple – V drink
Planned Unit/Suggested Learning Experiences, | Gateway/s | Learning Outcome | Criteria | Assessment Strategies |
Each child completes a title page for the unit | ||||
Include the goals – discussion in groups then each group decides on their own wording The students will prepare a consumer survey over two classes (age range 7-10).They must be able to explain the written and oral findings (more advanced students will prepare a graph using Excel). |
Gateway 1 – Goal setting | The students can:-Prepare a graph from the data showing data labels, legends and titles. Links to AO 7/8 | Students will investigate all the different types of drink preferred at their age;They will conduct their research with a minimum of 20 subjects over the above age range. | |
From the information gathered and now presented in graphic form, we can see what it is telling us, by answering the following questions in buzz groups;
Gateway 2 Practice |
Results from graph
The children will read the journal story "Making Lemonade" (Sch.J.1990.P.2:4). At this stage a visit to a winery to see how the grapes are processed (juice from this visit will be used as a base for the class product.This will later be compared with a visit to Lawson's Dry Hills winery |
Gateway 3 Knowledge |
The student can:-Develop a recipe for making lemonade to compare later with their own grape juice product. Links to AO 3, 1, 2b |
Flowchart | |
Children will now prepare a unit plan in groups of three.
Link to Gateway 1 |