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Delivery part one
Delivery part two

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Published: 2006


Delivery – part one

The unit focusses on the Technology goal and the student's individual goal which results from it:

"We are trying to make a drink using grape juice for children our age."

Planned Unit/Suggested Learning Experiences Gateway/s Learning Outcome Criteria Assessment Strategies

Brainstorm for Vinfizz
To illustrate the changes which have taken place in the landscape over recent times we brainstormed:

  1. How Seddon used to look before the students came to school;
  2. How it looks now;
  3. How they think Seddon will look when they leave school

Brainstorm for "Vinfizz"

How did Seddon look 5yrs ago?

  • Lots of big paddocks – brown
  • Lots of sheep, cattle, deer
  • Big river that flooded
  • Crops like hay, sweetcorn, peas
  • Some fruit orchards
  • Bigger farms
  • Lots of families and children
  • Not many pine trees
  • Lots of shelter belts

What does Seddon look like now?

  • Green paddocks of grapes
  • Not so many animals
  • The river doesn't have much water in Summer
  • New shops
  • New bridge
  • More lakes and dams on farms
  • Big sprinklers and irrigation for grapes
  • Olive trees. Less trees in shelter belts
  • Smaller farms

What will Seddon be like in 2015?

  • Very small farms – lifestyle blocks
  • Grapes galore
  • Fewer birds
  • More houses
  • More olives
  • More people
  • Fewer children
  • Less water
  • Fewer farmers raising animals and crops
  • More people living in town (Seddon)
  • More traffic

What sort of drinks do children of your age drink?

Fanta – pepsi – lemonade – fru-juice – milk shakes or flavoured milk – hot chocolate – flavoured mineral water – E² – lemon & paeroa – fizzy fruit juices – water – ginger beer – milo – sprite – ribena – coke – sparkling grapetise – sparkling apple – V drink

Planned Unit/Suggested Learning Experiences, Gateway/s Learning Outcome Criteria Assessment Strategies
Each child completes a title page for the unit
Include the goals –
discussion in groups then each group decides on their own wording

The students will prepare a consumer survey over two classes (age range 7-10).They must be able to explain the written and oral findings (more advanced students will prepare a graph using Excel).

Gateway 1 – Goal setting The students can:-Prepare a graph from the data showing data labels, legends and titles. Links to AO 7/8 Students will investigate all the different types of drink preferred at their age;They will conduct their research with a minimum of 20 subjects over the above age range.  
From the information gathered and now presented in graphic form, we can see what it is telling us, by answering the following questions in buzz groups;
  • What is the most popular drink?
  • What is the least popular drink?
  • Why do you think this is?
  • What is it that makes _____ so popular?
  • Is there a difference between age groups? What is it?
Gateway 2


Results from graph

Group feedback:
Look at significant features:
Taste, Image, Price, Availability, Others?

The children will read the journal story "Making Lemonade" (Sch.J.1990.P.2:4).
The children will make the drink to give them some experience in producing a drink product.

At this stage a visit to a winery to see how the grapes are processed (juice from this visit will be used as a base for the class product.This will later be compared with a visit to Lawson's Dry Hills winery

Gateway 3


The student can:-Develop a recipe for making lemonade to compare later with their own grape juice product.

Links to AO 3, 1, 2b

Children will now prepare a unit plan in groups of three.
  • Write the goals for what they want to achieve
  • List all the materials and the equipment they may need
  • Write the method in as much detail as possible
  • Write up any safety information in risk management form.
  • Write up processes and outcomes

Link to Gateway 1      


Pie Graph
Drinks children our age like- It shows us that L&P was the most liked drink and lemonade and Pepsi were the most disliked drinks.(click to enlarge)
Bar Graph
Types of drinks children our age like the most (click to enlarge)
Bar Graph
Drink our class liked best. This graph shows that Coke is the drink that most people like then it was L&P. Lemonade didn't get voted, so it was the one no one liked. (click to enlarge)