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Rugby World Cup

Section Seven

Context: Rugby World Cup    Year Group: 5/6     Duration: 3½ weeks

Learning Experiences Predetermined Learning Outcomes
Games Present a graphic presentation to explain the games chosen to participants 1,4
Catering Use safe procedures to produce chosen food for the event 6c

Ongoing Requirements

Individual Diaries
Can use writing time for these – based on reflection, questions and ideas to take to the group – will be read and directed when necessary by teacher for assessment purposes

Reporting Session and Timeline
Wrap up at the end of each session from each group reporting what they have achieved today and what they are planning to do in the next session, and timeline chart kept up to date

Brief Evaluation/Change – as necessary

Management Strategies:

One-to-one conferencing with groups

Questioning – Extending – Supporting

Extra Considerations

Possible budget required – however practicality is a key principle to be taken into account by the students

Possible further expert visits and group visits to experts required – management of this will need to involve my Associate Teacher and possibly out of class time (eg lunchtimes)


How can we tell we have been successful?
Was it practical?
How well did you contribute to group success?
What learning can you apply to the next technological process that you complete?

Video Skills
Brief Development and Use
Individual Group Skill

