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Rugby World Cup

Section Six

Context: Rugby World Cup    Year Group: 5/6     Duration: 3½ weeks

Learning Experiences

9....ongoing to timeline

Groups work together to begin and complete their investigations, following their conceptual statement and brief.

Learning Outcomes are suggested at this stage. Each group will need to identify the specific technological skills which they will need to learn to complete their technological practice. (eg teacher to meet with each group and determine with them the main technological skill they will be learning, how they will learn this and how they, and the teacher, will know if they have met this success criteria). Therefore the initial learning outcomes noted beside each group will change and become more specific.

Learning Experiences

Predetermined Learning Outcomes



Demonstrate effective use of a video camera while filming the event


Uniforms Demonstrate the skill of using a sewing machine through production of bibs for the event
Advertising Apply conventions of layout and design to make advertisements
Communications Demonstrate effective use of a word processing programme to provide quality communications regarding the event
Event Present a graphic presentation explaining the structure of the event