Rugby World Cup
Section Three
Context: Rugby World Cup Year Group: 5/6 Duration: 3½ weeks
Learning Experiences 1. Reporting from discussions with parents/family List out +ve's/-ve's/opportunities In groups brainstorm all the things that would need to be done to make the world cup a successful event Report back lists, write up on chart We have the opportunity to have our own event here at school while I am teaching you... Would these apply to us if we were to have an event at this school? What things listed here would we have to consider? |
2. Develop conceptual statement. (Conceptual statement: communicates via any appropriate means the focus and justified purpose of the technological practice to be undertaken – what is to be done and why it should be done ( |
Learning Experiences |
Predetermined Learning Outcomes |
AO's |
Assessment Criteria |
Assessment Strategies |
3. Visitor – Wellington Cancer Society – Manager Income Development & Communications Talk to class about arranging events with reference and explanation of the 'Walk for Life' (a 24 hour event first held in Wellington earlier this year). Main focus of this talk will be safety – describe how at each step or part of the process were safety issues considered, and what they were). Children take notes – talk about 'good questioning' prior to visit, elect class member to thank visitor. |
Knowledge outcome; Apply knowledge of safe practice when planning for an event. |
3 | Communicate ways in which safety was taken into consideration when planning for this event. |
Collection of ideas/strategies for safety shared during reporting sessions. Specific entry in journal regarding safety considerations for their group from each student. |