Learning Experiences
Broad overview of the planned learning experiences (including teacher interactions) that students will be provided with throughout the unit. Should be developed to ensure opportunity is provided for students to meet the predetermined LOs.
Show video clips of Rugby World Cup related media (advertisements, interviews, news reports).
What effect is the Rugby World Cup going to have?
Discuss as a class (+ve's, -ve's, opportunities...).
Why do we have it?
Follow-up: Discuss this with your parents/family tonight.
Predetermined Learning Outcomes
The critical knowledge/skill or component/s of practice that you expect the student to develop in order to successfully undertake their technological practice.
Students will:
Links to AO's in technology and/or other curriculum areas.
Assessment Criteria
Specific statements to be used for making judgements on student achievement in relation to the learning outcomes. Should be used both formatively and summatively. (For components of practice these may be levelled as per the matrices).
Students Can:
Assessment Strategies
Possible strategies for gathering information on students in terms of the learning outcomes and providing formative feedback.