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Rugby World Cup

Section One

Context: Rugby World Cup    Year Group: 5/6     Duration: 3½ weeks

Key Skill/Knowledge/Component of Practice Underpinning Unit
(To be developed into learning outcomes)

Knowledge: Safety considerations in events planning and management

Component of Practice: Brief Development

Technological Principle: Practicality

Technological Areas: Food, Information & Communication

Contexts: School, Recreational, Community

Community Links:

Journals/Connected series
Experts – Caterers, Saatchi's, as determined by students
Delta Examples

Brief Class description/ Students Past Experiences
(Note any info regarding student prior skill/knowledge/practice that may be relevant to this unit; and individuals and/or groups of students who are/have had different experiences and therefore may have different skill/knowledge/practices than the rest of the class will be very useful in supporting the identification of opportunities for negotiated LOs.)
  • Healthy Food Unit Completed (4 wks) term Three (Whole Class, Working in Groups to complete "Smart Activities"
  • Co-operative grouping used extensively by my Associate throughout the year. Students are encouraged to use roles within their groups (scribe, leader, timekeeper etc)
  • No technology unit has been completed this year.

Cross-Curricula Links:
Physical Education
English – Written, Visual, Oral

Safety Issues: (Refer: MOE Revised Health & Safety Guidelines)
Children using computer room – set up procedure to ensure I know where they are at all times.
Children phoning experts – talk about suitable phone manners.
Actual event – events group to identify possible hazards and manage.
Resources – Human and Physical:
As determined by children – experts, visitors, materials.
Nic Kavanagh from the Cancer Society.
Computer access (one in classroom, room available most afternoons).
Pamphlets, news clippings etc about the RWC
Video clips of RWC media (news interviews, ads etc).
Group resources/folders – containing ideas/starting points for each group.
Sewing machine/Video cameras.