Nicer Loos
Comments from the visitors
Carolyn had this to say about her hour and a half visit to Rangikura School.
"What fun! Marilyn Daly had prepared the children with knowledge of the colours in the spectrum and informed them that Rainbow Lady (me) was coming to help them with the GREAT TOILET PROJECT. I'd never had such a great build up before so had a big role to perform. We discussed how colour was most magical in the way it made you feel and what it could do to make ugly or sad places beautiful and happy. I talked about history... How long ago purple was made by crushing little sea creatures and it took millions of them to make enough purple paint and because of this only seriously rich or fabulous people like kings and queens could have it. I talked about feelings... About green being associated with envy... Red with rage... Feeling blue indicated sadness... Black moods referred to depression... I talked about how paint was made... Pigments, liquid driers, extenders, etc. The input from the children was very good as they felt they were able to solve the problems associated with the GREAT TOILET PROJECT. They wished me well and waved me off with loud goodbyes. Since then I have had wonderful artwork/letters sent to me thanking me for my talk. But really it should be me thanking them."
Adair told the students about her process for making a mural. She saw herself as a role model and encouraged the students to have a go. She spent an hour with the students and volunteered to provide expert advice if they decided to paint a mural. Adair felt that her visit was an acknowledgement of her skill and she enjoyed the opportunity to share her knowledge with the students. Marilyn too, learned from Adair expertise in this area. Adair hopes she energised and inspired the students about what can be done with colour and creativity.
Phillip explained the function and benefits of a new toilet roll holder to the students. He highlighted the importance of not wasting toilet paper in terms of both cost and environmental impact. Phillip feels the work the students were doing was good preparation for the outside world and he thought Marilyn was very professional and "had done her homework". Phillip doesn't usually have time for visits to schools but he saw this visit as an opportunity to get a little extra business and as a good will gesture to Rangikura School, which is a client. He said that the experience was interesting and that he enjoyed it.
Dave talked generally about the effect of different smells on people's perceptions of a toilet's cleanliness. He also talked about cleaning and the students likes and dislikes about using their toilets, and emphasised the student's role in keeping the toilets clean. During the hour Dave was in the classroom he showed the students a soap dispenser and explained the benefits of it, and was very impressed with how interested they were. Being asked to be involved was a "fairly unique request" and not something Dave would have time to repeat but he wanted to help, and Marilyn had seemed well prepared and certain about how her students would benefit from his visit.