Meal in a Minute
"Meal in a Minute" Review.
- How long did it take your group to prepare the meal?
- How many different ingredient were in the recipe?
- How many points were in the method?
- Were there any other commercial products used. If so what?
- If you were presenting a "Meal in a Minute Segment" what preparation would you do before the broadcast and what would you do in the allocated 60 seconds.
- Can you suggest any variations on the meal?
- About 15 minutes
- 10
- 3
- Burgers, Dressing, pita pockets, sour cream, yoghurt.
- I would prepare all the chopped up food, turn on the oven, get out the utensils. In the 60 seconds I would cook the burgers, mix up the mixture.
- Have no cumin.
Gateway 3
Evaluate a final food product against specified specifications – an example of students' work
- Survey Results.
- Brief "Meal in a Minute"
- Specifications , Development, and Evaluation.
- Evaluation using a Star Diagram.
- Product Profile & Tasting Word bank
- Final Evaluation
We only have the students for 40 periods so were hard pressed for time and interacted with target groups (usually family) rather than Heinz Wattie's. Unfortunately, we were unable to receive feedback from Heinz Wattie's on the final photos and/or the students' products. However, there were several worthwhile solutions. Next time I would set the scene differently and involve Margot more – the offer was there but I simply ran out of time. The brief was tricky as it required us to use whole cans of product which meant that large quantities were produced. There were also rooming and resourcing problems due to the technology facilities being readied for an upgrade, so there is plenty or room for improvement of a similar assignment in the future. The students had heaps of fun and gained a lot of valuable product development knowledge from the unit.