Hot Bread
Product Evaluation Chart
Please explain how your solution met the specifications of the brief for multiple-unit production under the headings below.
If it didn't – explain or justify why it didn't.
How did your "Hot Bread Snack" meet the requirements of your brief?
- Our snack was nice but a bit too garlicky from too much garlic salt.
- It met our requirements.
- It was just right. It had all of the required tastes and was filling enough for a substantial snack. I found that it was easy to eat and looked very appealing. All of the ingredients went together well and I am very pleased with the end product.
Is there anything you feel you could have done better?
- Not as much garlic salt.
- To have bigger oranges to fit more fruit in.
- I could have made it slightly less fatty by using ham instead of bacon.
Overall Unit Evaluation
Do you think you were successful in this unit?
Yes because...
- It was filling and nice to eat
- Our snack was healthy and it was the best snack overall
No because...
1. There was too much garlic
Did you enjoy this unit?
Yes because...
- It was fun to design our own snack instead of one we were given
- It gave us a chance to create our own food
Julia's Comments
I find the set up of the room being an old style Home Economic room difficult for students to record results as they carry out their practical work, can be messy. The students enjoyed the taste testing of each others products and became very good at giving constructive ideas for product development. I would like a quiet area with taste testing results as students tend to be very expressive about the flavours they are experiencing. A few students didn't like the repetition needed to develop their product idea. They found it boring making the same thing. However, these students were often not putting much effort into changing their product.
I think the unit of work gave students a good grounding in the procedure to follow for product development and I feel I was still able to cover a variety of preparation and cooking techniques giving practical knowledge for future units of work.
The expectation from students when they come to the centre is that it is a very practical session so I have to be careful and not turn them off Food Technology by expecting them to do too much written work. I have found filling in boxes or charts and working in groups seems to work well.
I have since met with Charlie Towler and now that he has a fuller understanding of my need for classroom work he is more than happy to help out so there will be a much closer link next year where he will probably come in and assist the students in their research.