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Hot Bread

Planning part one

Based on Food Technology, the unit sets out the pathway for the students to develop a "Hot Bread Snack" using a selection of ingredients, which meet criteria set by the students and evaluated against their written specifications.

Resources available:

Access to:

  • The food laboratory;
  • Existing recipes;
  • Fonterra Research Centre;
  • Ingredients: a range of products suitable for the exercise

Unit Outline

Learning Experience Gateways Learning Outcomes Criteria Assessment Srategies
Session One (approximately two hours)
Introduce the unit – provide students with an overview of the unit so that they can see where individual tasks within the unit fit.

Fonterra Research Centre provided the steps which should be followed for the product development.

Skill Development – Manufacture of a "Hot Bread Snack" using sliced bread and a range of foods to choose from eg spaghetti, creamed corn, cheese, onion, tomato, relish, baked beans, vegemite, tomato, crushed pineapple, gherkin.

Students asked to create a snack which must look good and taste good.

During the sampling time build a work bank describing the taste, texture, appearance and odour of the snacks.

Food hygiene practices built into practical sessions.
Gateway No.1
Links to Gateway Nos 2, 3, 4
Learning Outcome One
Students can:
Describe the characteristics of a food product

Links to AOs 1, 2, and 8

Product is described in terms of taste, appearance, texture, odour
Assessment Strategies

Word bank charts
Disassembly of existing "Hot Bread Snacks"

Students take apart/research commercially available products eg herb breads, hot chicken roll, hot dog, mini pizzas, Mexican enchiladas, curry rolls, mini quiches.

Using word banks analyse taste, appearance etc.

Look at serving portions, ingredients used, how it is made, determine group (people) it is targeted at.
Gateway No.2
Links to Gateway Nos 1, 3, 4
Learning Outcome Two
Students can:
Analyse a food product

Links to AOs 1, 2, and 8
Products are described in terms of target group ingredients, size recommenced, serving proportion, appearance, taste, texture, smell
Assessment Strategies
Product analysis chart
Session Two (two hours)
Using the word banks and knowledge gained from the product analyse and with teacher write a brief (including specifications) for one of the snacks made from an existing recipe in this session. Submarines/potato savouries. Use star diagram to rank preferences for flavour, appearance etc.

Knowledge Development
Health Issues:
Discuss "health issue" associated with food snacks for young children, teenagers and adults.Look at recommended food intakes for each group Contacted a local dietician for up to date information and guidance for this.
Gateway No.3

Links toGateway Nos 1, 2, 4
Learning Outcome Three

Students can:
Write brief that described an existing product

Links to AOs 1, 2, and 8

Brief specifications which allow the product to be made to the quality present in the existing product
Assessment Strategies
Brief chart