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Hair's Your Gift

Labelling the final product.
Labelling the final product.

Washing the hair.
Washing the hair.

Measuring the tensile strength.
Measuring the tensile strength.


Gateways are always formative. Gateways enable the student to reach the end point but they are not the end point. The teacher still has to complete a final holistic assessment on the students' application of the knowledge and skill gained during the process.

There maybe negotiated gateways with individual students or groups of students or unexpected gateways where the unit develops along different lines to the original planned unit. The teacher will note these in the overall comment.

Gateway Two – Skills Gateway

Objectives Learning Outcomes

Students can follow and modify formulae for making a variety of hair care products according to a perceived need or opportunity.

Specific Learning Outcome

Follow and modify formulae for making hair wax, hair gel, shampoo and conditioner according to a perceived need or opportunity.

Assessment Strategy

Teacher questioning, observation of experimental method, pupil log and final product.


oil and water prepared seperately.
The oil phase and water phase are prepared seperately

oil and water heated seperately.
The oil and water phase are heated seperately

Adding the different solutions
Adding the different solutions

HG4: Is able to follow and modify formulae for making a variety of hair care products with confidence and independence.

HG5: Requires some assistance to follow and modify formulae for making a variety of hair care products.

HG6: Requires some assistance to follow and modify formulae for making a variety of hair care products.

HG7: Requires constant monitoring to follow and modify formulae for making a variety of hair care products

Gateway 3 – Knowledge Gateway

Objectives Learning Outcomes

Students can explain the function of the components of a variety of hair care products.

Specific Learning Outcome
Explain the function of the components in hair wax, hair gel, shampoo and conditioner.

Assessment Strategy

Hair wax /Hair Gel; Teacher questioning; Shampoo / Conditioner; and Matching exercise/ testlet.


HG8: Is able to explain the functions of the components of a variety of hair care products.

HG9: Is able to explain most of the functions of the components of a variety of hair care products.

HG10: Is able to explain some of the functions of the components of a variety of hair care products.

Overall statement on the students overall Technological Practice.

Teacher to fill in what they would be looking for during this unit of work. Report Comment

Very effective

  • Good understanding of processes and systems.
  • Competent in using equipment.
  • Works independently.
  • Design and planning was done imaginatively and in detail. Successful pack developed to an outstanding, excellent, good, standard.

HG11: conscientiously used acceptable technological procedures to follow through the production of a variety of products from conception through design, laboratory testing, evaluation, production and packaging.

Mostly effective

  • Some understanding of processes and systems.
  • Competent in using equipment.
  • Usually works independently.
  • Design and planning was done imaginatively.
  • Successful pack developed to an acceptable standard

HG12: used acceptable technological procedures to follow through the production of a variety of products from conception through design, laboratory testing, evaluation, production and packaging.

HG13: needed assistance to use acceptable technological procedures to follow through the production of a variety of products from conception through design, laboratory testing, evaluation, production and packaging.

HG14: had to be reminded to use acceptable technological procedures to follow through the production of a variety of products from conception through design, laboratory testing, evaluation,
production and packaging.

Not very effective
• Little understanding of processes and systems.
• Required constant monitoring.
HG15: had to be monitored constantly and reminded to use acceptable technological procedures to follow through the production of a variety of products from conception through design, laboratory testing, evaluation, production and packaging.