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Big Bikkie


Busy in the classroom

Busy in the classroom

Batch of Bikkies

Another batch of bikkies


-Working on the publicity for the picnic

More experimentation

More experimentation


  • The food laboratory;
  • Access to existing recipes;
  • Food Technologist consultant: Carol Pound;
  • Article from North & South magazine featuring "Cookie Time" business;
  • Ingredients including a range of chocolate products bought mainly in bulk from Moore Wilson Food warehouse;
  • Range of Chocolate Chip Cookie brand products: Cookie Time, Tucka Time, Griffins

Important Factors
It was important for me (Diana) to teach the students the following:

  1. Skills in biscuit making: and we did a lot of this although by the end of the unit the students were tired of making the same or similar product for so long (9 weeks).
  2. To use and review a Plan of Action - as a class group.
  3. To develop testing methods especially attribute testing - they really enjoyed doing this and did it well.
  4. To develop a production process. Time and circumstances changed the thoroughness of teaching this before putting it into practice but with Carol's help the students understood the need for quality assurance and sameness of product.

On the last day of term the "Spring Picnic" is held. Diana was asked if one of her classes wanted to do a sweet stall for the picnic. She initially said no but then had the brainwave that they could sell giant Chocolate Chippie Cookies - "OK" was the resounding answer all around.

This meant that we now had a real situation (opportunity) and a real time line to keep to, so it became a bit of a rushed job at the end to develop our production process and method. However, the students still used skills previously learnt including making a flow chart, using the HACCP plan, and working together as a group to produce package, label, and sell their products. Profit was in the negative but there is no price to put on the things the students learnt from a real experience competing against the café who just happened to lower their prices on "Cookie Time" cookies for that day!

Group Tasks

  • A sign for stall organized in the art room - Kelly's group
  • The Production flow chart on A2 paper for the class to follow - Emma T's group
  • Designing the label on the computer - Renee's group
  • Adjusting the recipe for the class to easily follow - Tyla and Kate
  • Pictures arranged in order labeled and displayed to help in mass production of cookies - Laura and Jacqui
  • Making the sticky labels for the cookies on the computer or by hand - Ashleigh and Kim
  • Plan of action for the day of the stall made up and prepared on the computer - Natasha's group.