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Big Bikkie

Planning part three

Learning Experiences/ Unit Outline (summary) Gateway Predetermined Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Resources Needed

Product Development
Make recipe in groups of 2-4 of best recipe to fit brief ie to producea giant cookie - trial, modify.

  1. Prepare final cookie recipe for presentation to class for choosing the best recipe. Focus group (class) does ranking test - which cookie is best suited to the brief.
  2. The class to plan and suggest future activities and resources needed and revise Plan of Action and Brief if needed including Design characteristics. Communicate with consulting Food Technologist about preparing for multi-unit production visit.
  3. Develop production system to ensure quality assurance - group work:
    • Flow chart;
    • HACCP in place
    • Quality control;
    • Sensory Attributes check;
    • Photo board for the "Perfect Cookie"*;
    • Labeling developed;
    • Packaging developed;
    • Costings;

* Steps in making ie specify process; times, temperatures, equipment, yield, quality controls.

Component of Practice
Product Development



Link to
AO 1,2,3,5

Sensory Testing





Identify the differences between homemade and multi-batch production and the importance of sameness of product.


To develop awareness of constraints and requirements in a production process in multi-unit production.

Use a range of testing methods:
1. Paired comparison test
2. Ranking test
3. Hedonic test


Revised plan and brief if needed




Group work to develop production process.

Testing Sheets.




Plan of Action, revised brief.



Observation of group work.

Footnotes are rollover text. Hold mouse over footnote number for popup text.

Learning Experiences/ Unit Outline (summary)
Gateway Predetermined Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Resources Needed

Final Product Test (Purchase Test)
Make 60 cookies labeled and packaged and sent out to students with 60 surveys.
The survey is written as class (Carol to advise):

  • Whether people would buy the cookie;
  • How much?
    Gather in survey and analyse them by class (Focus Group)/
Component of Practice:

Links to
AO 6d,7,8

To see if product is consumer suitable to evaluate against brief.

Survey is written in a simple way with clear questions to gain information.  

Decision Time
Is the cookie ready for commercialization ie ready to be made for a school event?




Prototype to brief:

  1. To measure against how issue is solved, opportunities met;
  2. To measure performance specifications;
  3. To comment on viability of production of Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies for school events;
  4. Future.
    Group Evaluation: Students' evaluation states compliance and deficits of the prototype product against performance specifications with suggestions made to eliminate deficits.