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Big Bikkie

Planning part one

The aim of this term's work was to give the Year 10 students the opportunity to experience technological practice to gain insight and learning ready to decide on their option choice for Year 11 either unit standards in Food and Nutrition or Achievement Standards in Technology (Food). To do this work as a unit with the whole class rather than individual projects was intentional not only for management of resources and time, but also to ensure learning was for all students so that each felt involved in the process as stakeholder representatives (focus group) of the school. As a group they made key decisions together, developing and evaluating the final solution as a class. The practical tasks were carried out in groups of 3-4 and/or in pairs.

Unit Plan

Footnotes are rollover text. Hold mouse over footnote number for popup text.

Learning Experiences/ Unit Outline (summary)
Gateway Predetermined Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Resources Needed
An overview of Food Technology using a video "Mass Production of Food - Muesli Bar" to give an understanding of Food Technology in practice.





Introduce the unit with the given issue:
To be able to make a giant chocolate chippie cookie for school events

Brainstorm opportunities within the school to develop opportunity.

  Identify events that could give opportunity to given issue    
Planning for Technological Practice
Introduce structure outline for planning the rest of the class's Technological Practice.
Plan of action:
Review key milestones and processes already achieved -list resources and time allocation.
Brainstorm key milestone stages needed for rest of Technological Practice- allocate resources and time allowance.
Plan to be revised and checked out throughout Technological Practice.
Key decisions should be noted when made on the plan of action.

Component of Practice: Plan of Action

Link to
AO 6b

Use a Plan of Action as an initial planning tool.

Plan of Action demonstrates initial plan has been reviewed and revised. It also shows key decisions made.

Plan of Action Starters
Exploratory Work:
Examine Technological Practice within an industry example using the profile on "Cookie Time" based on article in "North & South" *, to observe success in business using question sheet.

* June 2003 Pg 76-81
  To develop understanding of Technological Practice outside the classroom situation. Questionnaire has been answered using article from North & South on "Cookie Time".
(See sheets 1 & 2 )
Questions answered.

Visit from Carol Pound, Food Technology Consultant. Discuss Food Technology and what are the 3 parts to Technological Practice:

  • Technology;
  • Market;
  • Consumer


Linked to A/O 1,3,5,7
To identify the parts that need to be addressed within Technological Practice for any issue to be solved.    

Market study (use class):
Perform a sensory attribute test on a range of chocolate chip cookies (preferably giant cookies):

  • Cookie Time;
  • Tucka Time;
  • Griffins.

Aim: To get information on consumer consensus and product composition.

To be able to describe the attributes of existing products in the chocolate chip cookie range and to select which product the class group thinks is best.

Descriptions describe attributes that make a Chocolate Chippie Biscuit and shows a conclusion to choose the best. Sensory attributes chart.
(1 , 2 , 3 )