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Case Study CP910: Media technology


The media room

The media room


Havelock North Intermediate is a decile 8 school with a 2009 roll of 624 students. Seven programmes come under the Technology umbrella: Food Technology, Electronics, Biotechnology, Materials Technology, Art and Graphics, Media Technology, and ICT. Each Technology cycle runs for approximately three weeks, during which time students have ten lessons of one and a half hours duration.

Although the Media Studies programme is part of the Technology department at present, it had been taught under the Arts curriculum rather than Technology. Students in the Media class examine the role of the media in society, learn about film production and a range of pre-production tasks, and work on the TV5 network. This in-school television studio is run by the students who report, edit, and produce news items which are presented 'live' on the network.

Media Studies teacher Peter Cottrell joined Havelock North Intermediate in mid-2008. Peter trained as a primary teacher in Australia and taught lower and upper primary students, here he utilised his interest and experience in amateur film-making to make films with his classes. Eight years later, Peter resigned and trained as an actor and toured with professional theatre companies.

Peter and Doug talk over the brainstormed plan

Peter and Doug talk over the brainstormed plan


He then took up a position in a TAFE (Technical and Further Education) institution, working as a drama/performance/television production teacher with 17 and 18 year-olds. After 19 years there, Peter moved to New Zealand and his current position at Havelock North Intermediate.

At this time, there was recognition within the school that the Technology department needed support to fully deliver the Technology curriculum. Doug Sutherland, previously co-HOD at Havelock North High School, was appointed as Technology implementation coordinator for the intermediate in 2008. His arrival coincided with Technology adviser Heather Bell's approach to the school and her proposal that the Technology department participate in professional development through the Technological Practice Project. Doug took up the offer and the staff supported this move by using their teacher-release time for the three-hour workshops.

Heather started working with the Technology team in late 2008 and through 2009, running workshops once or twice a term on implementation of the Technology curriculum at Year 7. Doug supported this work and continued it between visits.