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Unlocking some secrets of Food Technology using basic pikelet batter

What next?

Year 8 students work on a similar, although more difficult, process. They develop a new popcorn flavour in the first project, in which they do market research and work with classmates as their stakeholders. In the second unit, students develop healthy muffins (no chocolate allowed!) and learn more about the interaction of ingredients.

Judith talks to the students about potential careers in Food Technology, and the need for Science and Maths. She is enthusiastic about the knowledge and skills her students gain during their work: "I don't spend a whole lesson on safety in the kitchen and how to turn on your oven, I do it in context; and I think that's the whole thrust of the Technology Curriculum – that it's relevant and in context".

Judith would repeat the module in the same circumstances, as it fits well within the time-frame and illustrates to the students the technological process, teamwork and the use of ingredients. Given more time, she says, she would develop the project into a more challenging assignment and incorporate some Nature of Technology tasks.