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Case Study CP813: Extreme Makeover

What next?

At the end of 2007 Carolyn had pondered whether working with two different clients, Healthy Food Guide and family, made the unit too big for Year 11 students, and whether she should perhaps move it to Year 12. She thought that if it remained at Year 11 she would make the teaching aspect at the beginning more focussed, so that students could move on to the product development stage without delay.

Having concluded that Extreme Makeover was indeed a good unit for Year 11, Carolyn has retained it at that level for 2008, although she has restricted the class to producing a chilled or frozen dessert.

She has also changed the approach to working on this unit. She found that the students couldn't make the links between what they had been taught in term 1 to their technological practice and knowledge for working on Extreme Makeover.

In 2008 Carolyn managed the teaching of knowledge/skills through working together with the students on a term 1 unit in which they were asked to develop a drink to fit the new tuck shop guidelines. She modelled the design process for them to give the experience they needed to do this independently for Extreme Makeover.