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'Luxury Chocolate Caramel' student work board
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Diana says that while Geoff and she did the unit this way, another teacher could have a different focus – perhaps covering a little of everything or do more in the Food, Graphics or ICT areas. Using video clips from current events programmes, as she did, may help, she says.
Diana has taken time out from teaching although, as well as working with her husband on the family farm, she is still involved with NZQA, revising and moderating standards.
Rachael Hutchinson moved from Palmerston North Girls' High School to take up the Food Technology position, and is currently working with Geoff on the Cool Food unit.
As acting-HOD in term 1 2008, Geoff was busy teaching in one room and running to another to help the reliever, so opted to drop the blogging component. However he intends to have the second-half classes use blogging to plan, review, reflect and revise.