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Case Study CP806: Space Nuggets

What next?

Students in the classroom

Jacquey plans to use this unit again. She notes that most of the class have never bothered reading nutritional information panels, with the exception of those with food allergies. These students are catered for, depending upon need. Next year a student with coeliac disease will be given a commercial gluten-free mix instead of rolled oats, flour, etc. As this is quite expensive, only this student and partner will cook with it but it can lead to sensory testing to see if there is a difference in recipes based on two different products.

Although she doesn't see parents in formal interview situations, Jacquey does meet the rural parents on the driving roster and invites them to come in and see what the class is doing, presenting an opportunity to show them what Technology involves. As a Pahiatua local she often chats with parents who mention her "cooking" classes and is able to explain Food Technology to them.